Palaeomath 101
This series of notebooks work as companions to Norman MacLeod's Palaeomath 101 columns from the Palaeontological Association newsletter.
Online analysis
The following analyses are currently available online:
Linear regression (Palaeomath 101 #1-3): online | download & documentation | cite
Principal components analysis (Palaeomath 101 #4-5): online | download & documentation | cite
Canonical variates analysis (Palaeomath 101 #11): online | download & documentation | cite
Teaching notebooks
Palaeomath 101 #1: Prospectus and Regression 1
Palaeomath 101 #2: Regression 2
Palaeomath 101 #3: Regression 3
Palaeomath 101 #6: Factor Analysis
Palaeomath 101 #7: Minding your R's and Q's
Overview notebooks
Linear regression (Palaeomath 101 #1-3): download