a repository of morphometric tools
  and online morphometric workbenches


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The purpose of this site is to provide tools to make morphometric analysis more widely accessible and quicker. All of these tools are open source, written for Mathematica. Many of the analyses can be run for free through this server. Notebooks may also be downloaded and further developed (see contributing).

Please feel free to contact us with any questions: Jonathan Krieger,



Standard eigenshape: online | download | cite | documentation | extensions

Extended eigenshape: online | download | cite | documentation | extensions

Linear measurements from landmarks: online | download | cite | documentation

Relative warps allometry (x and y): online | download & documentation | cite

Procrustes PCA: online | download & documentation | cite


Statistical analysis

Palaeomath 101 columns: more information >

Linear regression (Palaeomath 101 #1-3): online | download & documentation | cite

Linear regression & allometry (table of variables at once): online | download & documentation | cite

Principal components analysis (Palaeomath 101 #4-5): online | download & documentation | cite

Canonical variates analysis (Palaeomath 101 #11): online | download & documentation | cite

Manly "Multivariate Statistical Analysis" chapters: more information >



Guide to eigenshape analysis models : download