a repository of morphometric tools
  and online morphometric workbenches


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Extended eigenshape

This series of notebooks expands upon the standard eigenshape suite to perform MacLeod's extended eigenshape analysis (see documentation for more information). Extended eigenshape analysis uses outlines plus one or more landmarks. The outlines may be open or closed, and the starting and end points of the outline may be used as landmarks.



Extended eigenshape

Extended Eigenshape v3.0 (zipped folder): Eigenshape packages and notebook which performs extended ES analysis. Includes Standard Eigenshape v2.3.

Additional notebooks

Eigenshape scatterplots v0.1: generates a variety of scatterplots with tooltips for specimen name, convex hulls, locate group means and specimens closest to means

If you don't have Mathematica, but wish to view the notebooks, you can download Mathematica Player